James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

A community where every child has a stable home, and every family has the tools to thrive.

To share god's Love with local children and families by providing emotional, physical, and spiritual support while serving as a hub to connect, equip, and empower all stakeholders in the child welfare community.

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Meet Brandie and hear all she has learned in her past 4 months at For the Sake of One.
Our Team
Acting on my faith

Meet Brandie and hear all she has learned in her past 4 months at For the Sake of One.

Brandie Bristow
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There is SO MUCH Brokenness and Beauty in the foster, adopt, and family restoration world. Read on for insight into this.
Orphan Care
In Brokenness and Beauty, It Is Well

There is SO MUCH Brokenness and Beauty in the foster, adopt, and family restoration world. Read on for insight into this.

by Angela Coston
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The Connecting Principles are the heart and soul of Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). Without connection, you’ll likely find yourself going down a dead-end street straight to burnout and overwhelm. So often, parents and caregivers only want to spend all their time correcting big behaviors. While correcting is important and necessary too, the child in your home desperately needs to build that trust and connection for the improvements the parent desires to be made.
Building Healthy Families
Simple Ways to Connect with Your Child

The Connecting Principles are the heart and soul of Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). Without connection, you’ll likely find yourself going down a dead-end street straight to burnout and overwhelm. So often, parents and caregivers only want to spend all their time correcting big behaviors. While correcting is important and necessary too, the child in your home desperately needs to build that trust and connection for the improvements the parent desires to be made.

by Lauren Crow
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You Can Help

Not everyone can foster. Everyone can help.


PRAY for the orphan care crisis across the nation to be resolved.


We need people to organize/run the Blessing Boutique, provide mentorship for biological parents, care for children in parents’ nights out, encourage caseworkers, AND become foster parents. Click Here for volunteer opportunities!


INVITE us to come talk to your church or a group at your church. The more people know of this need, the more we can do to solve the problem. Contact us here to start the conversation

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GIVE NOW. We are a 501(c)3 non profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible. You can Give here.